DiploDash® is a woman-owned, small business specializing in PCS services for the diplomatic, military and expat communities. Whether we are putting together your consumables shipment, coordinating with movers on delivery day or curating a seasonal care package, one thing is for certain — our focus is supporting you.

We discuss your needs and timeline to determine a solution. We plan a schedule for processing, preparing and managing your consumables shipment (CNS) pack out.
We create a shared online folder for all of your documents. We will also provide you helpful checklists for the consumables ordering process and for when items arrive to post.
We review your list with you prior to placing any orders or shopping for items. Simultaneously, we organize pack out details with your Shipping Coordinator.
We review your order for accuracy and exchange items as necessary; communicating out of stock items and providing receipts. We organize, prepare and oversee the pack out. We provide you with mover documents and communicate all important notes.
Consumables and Supplemental HHE
You read everything you could find. You packed and repacked, you purged, you maybe cried a little too (that’s okay, moving is hard!). But now you’re ready to use some of your consumables allowance or your remaining Household Effects (HHE) allowance. It’s also possible you’ve arrived at your post and can now see if YOUR reality and other people’s opinions are inline. That’s where DiploDash comes in!
We will help you to build a list of consumables or supplemental HHE items, purchase those on your behalf and manage the pack out for you. You get back time and avoid the stress of running around town to buy and sherpa 1,200 lbs of food around, all while being in control of what is being purchased. The best part of this is, you don’t even have to wait for your vacation to get it all done.
HHE Pack Out
It’s the moment of truth, pack out day. The movers are pulling up to the building. You’re exhausted. You know you forgot something but can’t figure out what it is, and that feeling of no turning back is sinking in. They start to pile out of the box truck and you realize your crew of three movers is now five and you forgot to get out cash for tips and oh right, your stomach just started growling. [Face Palm]
We’ve been there and we can be there with you. We will greet your movers and review our game plan that we discussed ahead of time. We will store the suitcases and woobies in the Do Not Pack room, set up the coffee station, put out the hand sanitizer, make sure your UAB is maxed and then move on to the HHE/Storage. We will take the burden of managing the movers off your shoulders so you can get back that control of your life.
HHE Delivery
WooHoo, your stuff just cleared customs and transportation is giving you an estimated date for delivery. It’s been months and the dream of sleeping on your bed again, having a real cup of coffee out of your favorite mug and eating off of a plate that isn’t shrink wrapped in plastic is so, wow! But your office needs you to manage a deadline, and your new puppy thinks an open door is an invitation to run for it. Or maybe movers plus kids is too much chaos to manage.
DiploDash, will focus on your priorities for delivery day. When that truck pulls away, what’s left is not months of boxes and overwhelm but you settling into your new home.
Unpacking Support
Everything has been delivered and your 3,500 sqft home at your last post is closer to 1,500 sqft in your new home. The few days you had to get organized are gone in a blur, and all you want is to feel settled in your new assignment.
We begin with a call to discuss your priorities for the time we are assisting you. Then we come prepared to focus on those priorities with the goal of helping you get settled in. We bring our energy and enthusiasm to the day. We will even take small amounts of items to get dropped off to a local charity such as Goodwill.
Care Packages
We love sending a taste of home to our customers overseas! We have seasonal curated packages that we prepare as a limited offering. Depending on the season, we like to include popular foods, trending items, decorations and other fun things that we would love to have if we were currently overseas! Make sure to follow us on Instagram and FaceBook for announcements.
We also get many client driven package requests where you tell me what you want and I shop, pack and ship it to post. We are also happy to take requests without a set list; it simply requires a bit more mutual trust and flexibility.
Repacking Items
If you want that gorgeous flat rug or small home items from a popular store, we can also assist with repacking those bulkier shipments so they can arrive to you at post.
When you NEED Trader Joe’s and you don’t want to burden your family back home, consider contacting DiploDash. It couldn’t have been easier, I sent Christine an email and paid with ApplePay. Everything was wrapped so well and the box arrived looking 1,000x better than what usually comes through DPO. Not a ding or rip in the packaging at all.