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Insight, wisdom, lessons learned and everything in between to help you find the information you need for smoother transition between diplomatic assignments.
Christine Lusk
3 min read
Finding Balance in the Foreign Service: A Personal Journey to Self-Care
I'll be the first to admit that I'm not perfect at this self-care thing. There are still days when I fall into old habits.
Christine Lusk
5 min read
Finding Your Parenting Village
Connection is so important. As adults, we crave being heard, seen, and feeling safe—just like our children. Finding your parenting village.
Christine Lusk
5 min read
Embracing Beauty
Decorating a house to make it your home is one of the many stages of the PCS process. It appears to be simple but truly it takes talent.
Christine Lusk
4 min read
Making Your House a Home
Whenever we move in this nomadic lifestyle we are intimately aware that there is a finite timeline in our new home.
Christine Lusk
5 min read
How to Run Your Next PCS
Moving is a life event. Plan intentionally for your next PCS. Start with a goal in mind and build out a plan to execute.
Christine Lusk
4 min read
Establishing Your Professional Identity
I realized that my career trajectory had been completely sent off course with our first PCS. Get your career back on track with these tips.
Christine Lusk
5 min read
The 3 Biggest Mistakes When Making Friends
Most people don’t realize that making friends requires effort. They believe that making friends should (still) come naturally and easily.
Christine Lusk
6 min read
Pack the White Noise Machine, We're Moving with a Baby!
PCSing can be a daunting, challenging task. Add a baby or toddler and the process is intensified 10-fold.
Christine Lusk
3 min read
Two to Tango: Movers Tips for Pack Out
Improving your PCS could mean facing some tough love. We go over tips from the movers plus a UAB horror story told from the packers side.
Christine Lusk
3 min read
Yard Sale Season - Yes, it’s a Season!
Yard Sales are a useful way to get sorted for PCS and to earn some extra money for the unexpected expenses of a move.
Christine Lusk
3 min read
Planning Your Exit Strategy
Part of PCS transition is getting closure on this season of your life, and here are a few tips to get you through it.
Christine Lusk
3 min read
The ‘B’ Word
Can you create a budget when it is the last thing you ever want to do with your time?
Christine Lusk
4 min read
Riding the Financial Roller Coaster of PCS
Figuring out where the PCS money is going doesn't have to be scary, see our guest blogger's tips to get you prepared.
Christine Lusk
2 min read
Take the (Physical) Pain out of Traveling
Traveling can definitely be a pain, but you don’t have to be IN pain while you travel. Practical tips for traveling in comfort.
Christine Lusk
3 min read
Achieve Your Resolutions
Starting off the New Year comes with resolutions. I used to be fairly cynical about them until I started to reframe my thinking around...
Christine Lusk
3 min read
Purging With/For Others
Preparing for a move and purging belongings with children.
Christine Lusk
2 min read
Purging When You Don’t Know Where To Start
How to purge clothing & household goods in preparation for a move.
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